One thing that I have learned from training Jiu Jitsu is that it really helps you in more areas than just on the mats. We all have outside lives and experience ups and downs. Jiu Jitsu has a way of keeping it all at the door.

“There is always another option or way out. It’s up to you, if you have it in your heart to find it”

At times you might feel like your headed nowhere and that makes it really easy to slip into negative things and give up. Approach it with good posture, grips, a strong base and a positive mental attitude. And if you feel like there is nowhere to run.. Well you shouldn’t run at all. Face your problems, fears or shortcomings and make the smart, healthy adjustments to advance. Whether it’s girl, family, financial problems even self-doubt or confidence. I have learned how to accept the problem and fix it. Champions are those who never gave up

It’s always easier said then done. But with the support of your team/family it makes it a lot easier. Just seeing a smile or receiving that hug can take someones problems away even if for just that few seconds. Our training is very hard. We slam each other, submit.. Break each others ears. The helping hand is always there. I know 2010 was a very trying year for me. And just the thought of my team helped me a lot. I am very grateful for my Purebred Jiu Jitsu family and team. It’s mental Jiu Jitsu, on and off the mats. And when you walk out the door and approach that problem that was bugging you all day. It becomes easier to deal with until eventually you mount that bastard and choke it out.

There is truly nothing a good day of grappling can’t cure


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