Just in case you haven’t been able to watch the greatest match from the 2012 black belt, absolute division. Between titans Rodlofo Vieira and Buchecha Almeida.

Here is Purebred blue belt David Harris on the Mundials and his training for competition.

Check the current events on the Mundials Team. And also training for future tournaments from Coach Berto.    

Introducing the first lady Dara Roberto and here plans for the Mundials 2012

The kids paying attention to the details while coach Eddie and James go over what they will be drilling. This is our kids class in Dededo, Every Monday and Wednesday 5:30pm-6:30pm.

Meet Purebred Purple Belt James Lee. One part of our Team Guam Mundials competition team.

“Hard work will always beat talent, when talent refuses to work hard”

Training for the 2012 Mundials and also our upcoming local tournaments are already in effect. We are calling all Purebred students to join in and help get each other ready. “Steel sharpens steel” and we are all razor sharp. This includes Cross fit also and drilling/sparring. The Mundials team also meets up and does extra…

How many black belts can you spot in this photo?

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