We will discuss the team focus for the IBJJF calendar of events. Lots of choices this year, Japan, Australia and Korea. Who knows maybe do all of them! See you at the academy Friday night!
Check the happening in Ireland right now, straight from the source Also click on the link for more footage and pictures of Coach Bert’s time off shore http://jiujitsusavedmylife.wordpress.com/
Today is our 4th of July, where we celebrate the freedom of our country. And right next to this great occasion is also the birth date of our Coach and head commander Faxia Preta Stephen Roberto! Happy birthday and thank you for everything you have worked for and done with your years. You are the…
A big thank you to everyone who helped with purchasing a shirt and raising money for Japan. We raised a good amount and are looking to produce even more shirts if you missed it the first time through. Please take a little time and see where the help is going to as our very own…
“The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.” httpv://youtu.be/wY9L0G2sDQk